Ametlik Transtsendentaalse Meditatsiooni Eesti koduleht
Standard Fees
- £590: individual income over £40,000 pa
- £490: individual income over £25,000 pa
- £390: individual income under £25,000 pa
We offer a 15% discount on the combined fees for couples.
Once a course has commenced refunds are not possible.

Family and Children's Fees
- Each parent pays the fee appropriate to their own income – non-earners pay £290 - and all dependent children under 18 living at home learn FREE.
- Children under 10 learn a technique specially suited to their stage of development. If not learning with their parents, the fee is 25% of the fee appropriate to the main parent or guardian. One parent is required to be practising Transcendental Meditation before their child learns, or to learn at the same time.
Tailor-made Courses & Group Rates
Please ask us to quote for private instruction, groups, and in-house courses for business and educational institutions.