Ametlik Transtsendentaalse Meditatsiooni Eesti koduleht
Inner peace & happiness
Transcendental Meditation produces a coherent state of restful alertness – a state of true inner peace, for your mind and also your body. Deep within your mind is a peaceful field of pure consciousness, your own awareness awake to its own most settled state. TM allows you to experience it – effortlessly. more

Journal of Clinical Psychology
1989 Nov;45(6):957-974
Stress relief
Transcendental Meditation actually eliminates the effects of stress, internally, physiologically. This results, when practised regularly, in a more balanced outlook, more energy and motivation, and a deeper appreciation of one's surroundings. more
Puhkava ärksuse kogemus Transtsendentaalse Meditatsiooni ajal tekitab parimad tingimused teie täisvõimekuse väljaarenemiseks, suurima arukuse ja loovuse omandamiseks, ilma et selleks oleks vaja üldse pingutada, vältides samal ajal stresside kahjustavat mõju ajule.
Three Reasons to Learn TM
1. Transcend
This one simple technique allows you to go beyond thinking and contact the deep, transcendental source of all your energy, creativity and intelligence, dissolving stress and enriching mind, body, emotions, and relationships.
2. It Works
Benefits verified by hundreds of peer-reviewed research studies.
3. It's easy
If you can think a thought, you can practise Transcendental Meditation. But it's not just thinking, you're transcending thought to experience the most peaceful, expansive state of inner being – pure awareness - which is natural and life-supporting for everyone.
Just as watering the root of a plant nourishes all parts of the plant, Transcendental Meditation improves all aspects of life ...