It's not about mind control or mental discipline

Transcendental meditation is fundamentally different from other forms of meditation. It is not mind-control or mental discipline; it is not concentration or eastern philosophy. It's not trying to be mindful. You don't have to control your breathing or muscles. You don't even have to try to relax. You are learning a technique that facilitates a completely natural process – an ability that is inscribed in the nature of the mind. This is called transcending.

It's easy to practise and enjoy

Transcendental meditation requires no intellectual effort. Anyone can practise - even children. When you meditate, you sit comfortably with your eyes closed, in silence, with no need to adopt any awkward postures. It's so easy and everything you need to know will be explained in simple language during the course.

TM ei nõua uskumuste muutmist

Transtsendentaalne Meditatsioon on lihtne tehnika, mis aitab lõdvestuda, vabastab stresse ja annab füüsilist ning mentaalset energiat. See praktika ei ole vastuolus ühegi olemasoleva uskumustesüsteemiga, olgu need religioossed või mitte. Iseäranis on tehnika sobitatud tänapäeva toimeka lääne elustiiliga. Tegelikult on nii, et mida hõivatumad me oleme, seda tähtsamaks saab vajadus võtta aega ja puhata korralikult.

Video: TM enhances brain's executive functioning

Dr Alarik Arenander, Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition: "TM parandab aju toimimist" (8 minutit)

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Gary Kaplan, MD

Gary P Kaplan, associate professor of neurology at New York University School of Medicine

"If you have a technique that you practise 20 minutes twice a day, a technique that allows you to be dynamic in your activity and yet not to accumulate the stress that wreaks havoc on your health, then you have a key to better health."

Steve Collins, actor

Steve Collins, actor, is best known for his role as Commander Willard Decker in "Star Trek: The Movie"

"What I love about the TM technique is that it doesn't require any other changes in your life for it to work."