Transtsendentaalne Meditatsioon vähendab stressi loomulikul viisil

Kõik on teadlikud stressi negatiivsetest mõjudest. See kahandab teovõimet, kahjustab suhteid ja tekitab füüsilist kulumist. Lühidalt, see kahandab elurõõmu. Veel enam, sel on omadus koguneda kehas kogu eluaja vältel. Isegi hea ööuni või pikad puhkused ei võimalda meil täielikult taastuda. Tänapäeval kuulub stress elu juurde – aga see ei pea nii olema.

Hormones and Behavior 1978 10(1):54-60

Creating a balanced outlook

There may or may not be things we can do to reorganise our lives externally in order to help to reduce stress. But whether or not this is an option, internally Transcendental Meditation actually eliminates the effects of stress, physiologically. This results, when practised regularly, in a more balanced outlook, more energy and motivation, and a deeper appreciation of things.

Calmer response to stress

Because each individual is different, the balancing effects of Transcendental Meditation may bring different benefits for different people, for example: fewer headaches, improved sleep, increased energy or better relationships. However, one benefit that the majority of people share is that they can generally handle stressful situations better after learning Transcendental Meditation.

Kuidas TM stressi vähendab (6 minutit)
Dr Oz, Südamekirurg

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  • Valve Vark:
    tel: 58365183

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Dr William Weir, Consultant

- Dr William Weir - Consultant in infectious diseases

"Psychological stress has many adverse physical effects on the human body including a direct and damaging influence on the immune system. The practice of Transcendental Meditation relieves stress and is therefore highly recommended for its life-enhancing value."

Dr Donovan Leitch, Poet and Songwriter

- Donovan, poet and songwriter

"I had all the western trouble of the psyche: anxiety, anger, stress and fear – which all cause illness. Over the past 40 years I have experienced the way Transcendental Meditation has absolute healing benefits."