
"It is possible for everyone to go deep within and saturate their mind with inner happiness, with that unlimited pure intelligence that dwells at the source of thought." – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Experience the inner Self

When we practise Transcendental Meditation we experience a state where the mind is completely silent yet wide awake. "Transcend" means "go beyond". When the mind has gone beyond all activity, this is an experience of the inner Self, which is perfect peace, Transcendental Consciousness.


Meel on nagu ookean – pinnal alati liikvel, kuid sügavuses vaikne ja tohutult võimas. Transtsendentaalne Meditatsioon võimaldab minna igasuguse pingutuseta ookeani vaiksetesse sügavustesse – taaslaadida endasse see puhta teadvuse piirideta seisund.

Meele rahunedes peenematel tasanditel, muutub hingamine väga õrnaks ning lihased lõdvenevad väga sügavalt. Meel rahuneb mõtlemise peenimatel tasanditel, jõudnud teadvuse kõige vaiksemale, rahuküllasemale tasandile, mis on meie sisim Mina.

Transcendental Meditation in Action

Ellen DeGeneres: "Avan silmad ja olen kurb, et 20 minutit on juba möödas" (2 minutit)

Tehke esimene samm

Leia oma elukohale lähim õpetaja:

  • Valve Vark:
    tel: 58365183

Või helista põhi telefonil: 58365183

An effortless technique

Personal experience on day of learning TM:

"Without knowing what to expect, I began to drift down into deeper and deeper levels of relaxation, as if I were sinking into my chair. Then for some time, perhaps a minute or a few minutes, I experienced a silent, inner state of no thoughts, just pure awareness and nothing else; then again I became aware of my surroundings. It left me with a deep sense of ease, inner renewal and happiness."