Social change - for a forest to be green

Creating world peace is not the reason that most people give for why they want to learn to meditate. Yet this was Maharishi's goal when he first introduced Transcendental Meditation in 1958, emphasising that individual peace is the basic unit of world peace. He used the analogy that just as there cannot be a green forest without green trees, there cannot be a peaceful world without peaceful individuals. Even though there are many sincere individuals dedicated to the cause of peace, establishing peace requires more than simply adopting a psychological belief in peace. It can only be achieved through a transformation at the very deepest level of the human mind and through a corresponding change in the physiology. Maharishi explained that when the mind and body are deeply at peace, then thought, speech and action will spontaneously radiate an influence of harmony into the environment.

video: Peace from the Quantum Level

Rahu kvanttasandil - Dr John Hagelin, kvantfüüsik (5 minutit)

Koherentsuse suurenemine ühiskondlikus teadvuses

Juhtivates teadusajakirjades avaldatud laiaulatuslikud uurimused näitavad, et transtsendentaalse meditatsiooni tugeval stressivähendaval toimel on „laialivalguv" rahustav mõju, mis kandub edasi ümberkaudsele elanikkonnale. Uuringud näitavad, et kui inimesed praktiseerivad Transtsendentaalset Meditatsiooni ja selle edasiarenenud tehnikaid üheskoos...rohkem grupis, vähenevad kohe dramaatiliselt ühiskondlik stress, kuritegevus, vägivald ja vastuolud, ning ühiskonnas tervikuna suurenevad koherentsus, jaatav ellusehtumine ja rahu.

Sellise ühiskondliku vägivalla, terrorismi ja sõdade vältimisele lähenemise ainukordne tõhusus on leidnud kinnitust rohkem kui 50 esitluse ja 23 uurimistööga. Sõltumatud teadlased on neid uuringuid üksikasjalikult kontrollinud ja andnud nõusoleku nende avaldamiseks tipptasemel teadusajakirjades.

This work deserves the most serious consideration.

The claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of any other on-going social or psychological research program. The research has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution. I think this work, and the theory that informs it, deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.

- David Edwards, PhD, Professor of Government at the University of Texas at Austin

Vabadus teiselpool trelle - TM vanglates (5 minutit)

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    tel: 58365183

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Huw Dixon, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Cardiff Business School:

"I have been following the research on the Maharishi Effect as it has developed over the last twenty years. There is now a strong and coherent body of evidence showing that [this approach] provides a simple and cost-effective solution to many of the social problems we face today. This research and its conclusions are so strong, that it demands action from those responsible for government policy. "

Ugandan school introduces TM

Ugandan school introduces Transcendental Meditation.
